Top Ways To Get The Stink Out Of Household Sponges

 If you are reading this, you must have been fighting a battle with sponges. If you are not a towel person, it is tough to avoid the use of household sponges. The innocent-looking household or cleaning sponges you have been using for decades for wiping counters and cutting boards, absorbing up spills, and washing dishes, sometimes produce a very fetid or stinking smell. These sponges are also regarded as a significant vector for food-related diseases. 

Cleaning Sponges

E Coli and Salmonella are a few nasty bacteria's that incubate in kitchen sponges. Furthermore, a foul odor from your sponge could have been caused by several infectious microorganisms. A musty, sour, mildew-sprouting smell is a clear indicator to either clean or replace your household sponge. 

Ways To Getting Rid Of The Smelly Household Sponge

Many people watch videos or read articles on how to keep sponges clean? Or How to get rid of sponge smell on hands? But generally, they don’t get what they want. Here is a list of how to get the stink out of kitchen sponges

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