Is Sponge Bathing Newborns the Best Option ? – Sponeas

 What Is A Sponge Bath, And How Is It Different From Other Baths?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, sponge baths are a practical option for regular baths when your baby isn’t prepared to bathe in a normal (baby’s) tub. Newborns must be given sponge baths until their umbilical cord falls off. It usually happens within a week, although sometimes it can fall off a little earlier or later.

Sponge baths are similar to regular baths, although they both have two differences:

  • During a sponge bath, babies lay on a towel instead of a hot tub filled with soap and bubbles.
  • A single section of their body is cleaned in one go, followed by another until the baby is thoroughly cleaned.

Why Should You Sponge Bath Your Baby?

Your baby may not be getting dirty by playing at the kindergarten yet; he still needs a bath. And experts recommend sponge bathing newborns who still have their umbilical cords on. Also, sponge bathing is an excellent option for boys who still haven’t recovered from circumcision.



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